Check here for all the latest news from The Why Not Institute…
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New R&D
We are looking forward to the R&D for de Castro’s new show called Chalk and Cheese in August/September. We’re delighted to be supported by Worthing Theatres & Museums, Shoreditch Town Hall, Longfield Hall and Arts Council England and hope that a new show will be touring at some point next year.
Winter Clown School 2024
We are developing a fantastic programme of courses for next January’s Winter Clown School, which runs in London from 8th January to 3rd February 2024. See the ‘what’s new page’ for details and register your interest by emailing whynotinstitute@aol.com. Enrolment opens in September.
2023 Winter and Summer Clown Schools
We had a wonderful time at the Winter Clown School in January/February 2023 and the Summer School in June 2023. Courses were full of vibrant, talented and funny participants who are now part of our Why Notter community! We welcomed participants from Japan, Australia, Norway, France, Peru, the USA, Hong Kong, China, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Brasil and from all parts of the UK. Clowning brings people together from across the world and we are always overjoyed to know that the methodology and work of de Castro and The Why Not Institute is shared by people from so many countries. We continue to keep course numbers low because the depth and quality of experience for our participants is something we value highly. So, wherever you are from, you are guaranteed to get a lot from being part of The Why Not Institute.
Thank you to our Why Notter Assistants!
Creating the special experience of a Why Not Institute course only happens with the support of our amazing band of assistants. Thank you to Grace, Marie, Balthazar and Ricardo, and to the admin team behind the scenes. Huge Why Notter thanks to you all!
The Why Not Institute is looking for a new creative home! After spending the last 8 years at Stratford Circus Arts Centre it’s closure means we’re in need of a new place to call home. We’re looking for a venue or a creative space that we can collaborate with, sharing our skills, experience and networks. We’re looking for somewhere we can work with, that we can support and can support us. You can see our Home For The Why Not Institute proposal document here! If you have a venue, or you know of a venue that might be suitable please get in touch by emailing whynotinstitute@aol.com
Lockdown has meant pressing pause on some of our planned activity, such as the Why Not Festival, however, no matter how tough things are The Why Not Community will always pull through, as such, we’ve gone online! Why Notters around the World have contributed to our very sweet and kind project, HUGS! Availble on our brand new Youtube Channel or to share from our Facebook page.
We’ve also run our very first online course, the HaHarmonics Clown Choir! We learnt a lot about how to run a clown class online and how wonderful it is to see everyone’s faces, and we’re looking forward to sharing our Clown Choir Performance Video soon!
The Why Not Institute’s Podcast Debut! Listen to de Castro and Emma speaking about Play and Clown on the Clowning Around Website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or on your regular podcast service.