Healthcare Clowning – Clown Doctors

By Suzie Ferguson To be a Clown Doctor takes a special kind of clown artist. It requires not only a high level of skill and clown experience but the maturity to commit yourself to being ‘in service’. There are no stage lights to focus attention or paying audience to...

Clowns and Gender

by Miranda Porter Gender is, “a system of classification rooted in social ideas about masculinity and femininity.” (Mardell, 2016). Gender is considered, by some, a binary concept. A binary has only two states with no existing spectrum between. Therefore, gender as a...

Imagination and the Clowns

By A de Castro with extracts from the book ‘Angel Journey’ by Terry Lynn Taylor and Mary Beth Crain The Clowns are like Angels. The consciousness is both human and divine, physical and metaphysical. Being divine messengers, the clowns and the angels move easily and...